Looking for public art? Beyond Walls has you covered. The inspirational public art exhibition at Robbins Park opened on May 5 and we were there to get the scoop from artists including Scott Froschauer, Jim Gallucci, Harry McDaniel and Amy Hart. We hope to bring similar experiences to the region once we open. Until then, here’s a brief rundown of the event, and information on the sculptures and artists.
The public art project, which is coordinated by the Cornelius Parks, Arts, Recreation and Culture department, had a wonderful opening event. The process involved a national call for artists, which resulted in 34 submissions. A review period followed and 11 pieces by nine artists were selected by the Public Art Committee. Marisa Pascucci, who serves on the Public Art Committee as well as the Advisory Board for Cornelius Arts Center, guided the crowd across the park to view the 11 new sculptures.
Don’t miss wandering through this exhibition, which runs through Jan. 12, 2019.

1) “Summertime Blues”
Cathy Perry, Lewisburg, KY

Cathy Perry is an avid gardener. She takes her love for gardening to another level by cutting, forging and welding steel to resemble the plants she loves. This piece is part of her “Lace” series.
Scott Froschauer, Sun Valley, CA

Don’t miss these important street signs! Scott Froschauer, from Sun Valley, CA., constructs aluminum street signs which use wording and design choices to give off an intentional positive vibe.
4) “Divine Wind II”
Jim Gallucci, Greensboro, NC

Part of the piece is meant to represent flying paper, much like the paper seen drifting through the air during the fall of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. The sculpture is meant to portray “disaster and how it brings people together.”
Robert Porreca, Columbia, OH

Sculptor Robert Porreca focuses on shapes and not so much on creating recognizable objects with this work, which is made with epoxy resin and fiberglass. The green coloring makes this sculpture pop when you look across the park. Get closer and explore the piece. What do you see?
Harry McDaniel, Asheville, NC

Inspired by H.G. Wells’ sci-fi classic, War of the Worlds, the aluminum sculpture features solar reflectors and stained glass cutouts. Harry McDaniel noted that the process for creating this piece was very spontaneous.
Adam Walls, Hope Mills, NC

This abstract sculpture resembles a jungle gym, but consider it a sort of nature sanctuary that is better viewed from afar. Stand back and look at the different birds perched between the cubist tree landings of the green painted steel.
Amy Hart, Charlotte, NC

This large flower sculpture was constructed of found materials. You can see even more of Amy Hart’s sculptures on display at the current Cornelius Arts Center exhibit, By Land…By Sea (on display through June 8, 2018).
Jim Collins, Signal Mountain, TN

This sculpture is inspired by a true bear family seen in sculptor Jim Collins’ frontyard in the Highlands. Silhouettes of a bear family are made of corten steel, while the fish is made of bronze. When you’re viewing the sculpture, see if you can find the artist’s signature.
Charlie Brouwer, Willis, VA